AllStripes Research

Timeline: Mar 2021 – Apr 2023

Supporting Rare Disease R&D

AllStripes helps advance rare disease research by working with patient advocacy organizations to recruit patients and caregivers to submit their de-identified medical records for treatment research. My role centered around helping the marketing team create recruitment materials.

Senior Brand Designer

As AllStripes’ first and only brand designer, my scope included:

  • designing print and digital assets, including many templates
  • leading the evolution of the brand, providing creative direction
  • redesigning and building the marketing website in Webflow

Internal & External Collaborators

I worked closely with the marketing team, product designers, engineers, project managers and the research team. Additionally, I managed AllStripes’ external design support, which came from two studios: Wildern Interactive and Momoheddo.

30% Increase in Account Creation

In a year-over-year comparison, patient and caregiver account creation increased by 30 percent. Additionally, the marketing website I designed and built AllStripes reduced the site update turnaround time from weeks to hours or minutes.

Brand Evolution

Role: designer, creative director
Project Goal

Expand Beyond Boldness of Brand for Better Versatility

Why Update the Brand?

AllStripes’ playful — though often one-note — visual identity needed to evolve to better speak to potential research partners (pharmaceutical companies) as well as individuals and families impacted by rare disease, with recruitment materials usually addressing the parents of children with chronic illnesses.

New Patterns

Creating a Greater Range of Tone Using Brand Patterns

Toning It Down

Initially, AllStripes’ brand patterns played off the zebra theme (zebras being a symbol of rare disease). As fun as these were, we often needed quieter backgrounds that wouldn’t draw too much attention.

Original Patterns
Updated Patterns

Creating a more polished first impression

To match the updated recruitment graphic (above), I designed a new brochure for in-person events.

Social Media

Balancing Playfulness
& Professionalism

In social media graphics, we worked to find the right balance between using bright, optimistic imagery while also discussing topics such as grief and the impacts of debilitating chronic illnesses.
New Iconography

Updating & Expanding the Icon Set for a Cohesive Look

Changing Styles

The two-color line icons initially created for AllStripes didn’t feel cohesive with the rest of its custom illustrations (examples above) so I directed the creation and expansion of a new icon set.

Google Fonts

Increasing Consistency & Saving Teams Time

By switching the brand typography to Google Fonts, it became possible to build AllStripes a collection of branded templates in Google Suite, streamlining workflows for multiple departments and making it easier for the rapidly growing organization to stay on brand.
Sample slides from the master deck template that I designed in Google Slides after we switched to Google Fonts
Expanding the Brand

Developing Variations for the B2B Audience

To convey optimism when speaking to patients and caregivers, the main AllStripes brand uses lots of color and playful illustrations.

For our B2B audience (pharmaceutical companies), we developed a more scientific-feeling branch of the brand. These materials use fewer colors, more sans-serif typography, and geometric shapes — as well as stock photography and 3D graphics in place of illustration.
Color Palette

New Colors for Accessibility & Data Visualizations

Considering More Use Cases

The initial brand colors looked great as part of illustrations but often didn’t provide enough contrast to use as/with text. I helped expand our color palette with accessibility in mind, which paved the way for colorful call-to-action buttons on the redesigned website (more below).

Noticing that the research team sometimes ran out of colors for data visualizations such as pie charts, we also added a couple new hues for use cases such as these.

Initial Brand Palette
Aa Aa
Additional Colors
Aa Aa
Aa Aa

Website Redesign

Role: designer, developer, project driver
Project Goal

Create a Site that Can Scale as Quickly as the Company

Why Redesign the Site?

With multiple audiences and a rapidly growing roster of rare disease research programs, the AllStripes marketing website needed to be redesigned to support the company’s growth. Additionally, the system for publishing new content needed to be streamlined (removing engineering dependency).

Project Kick-Off

Gathering Input & Ideas

Before pushing any pixels, I met with key stakeholders across the organization to learn the top priorities for the website redesign. I also lead a workshop to gather input from the larger team.
New Sitemap

Mapping Out a Highly Expandable Structure

Aligning Stakeholders

In creating a new sitemap, I worked in Miro with stakeholders from each department to find alignment. Not only did the redesign triple the static page count, but the number of content databases almost quadrupled, creating a structure that could rapidly expand as needed.

Before the Build

Dividing the Marketing Site from the Web App

I drove a cross-departmental team in determining if and how to split the marketing site from the web app (the AllStripes product). We decided to move forward with the division and to build the redesigned site in Webflow.
Rapid Development

Building Out the Redesigned Website in Under Two Months


To hit the ambitious goal of launching before the holiday season, I worked closely with AllStripes’ marketing team on content and with engineers on an API, putting the site together myself in Webflow.

Search & Taxonomy

Improving Content Discoverability

Increasing the amount of content on the site, we couldn’t overlook the need to make that content easier to find. I established taxonomies across the website, cross-referenced databases throughout, and added search functionality.

The Results

30% Increase in New Users

In a year-over-year comparison, patient and caregiver account creation increased by 30%, boosting the metric that mattered most to AllStripes.

Site Update Turnaround Time

By removing dependencies, the site update turnaround time decreased from weeks to hours or minutes, saving significant time for marketing, product, design, and engineering.

Improved Scalability of Website

The redesigned marketing site also enabled rapid expansion of various sections through a flexible content management system and the streamlined workflows (created in removing dependencies).

Visual Consistency & Range in Tone

With the expanded brand systems, AllStripes could better speak to its different audiences on a range of topics. Internally, making fonts, colors, and templates more accessible kept the larger team on brand.

Next case study

WEconnect Health