WEconnect Health

Timeline: July 2019 – Mar 2021

Mobile App for Substance Use Recovery

The WEconnect mobile app helps people recovering from substance use disorder by providing the opportunity to earn rewards for positive behavior change, connect one-on-one with a professional peer counselor, and/or join daily support meetings.

Marketing Designer & Front End Developer

As the primary marketing team member at WEconnect, I focused on:

  • developing multichannel campaigns across web and print
  • redesigning and optimizing the marketing website in Webflow
  • conducting user interviews and audience research

Collaborating as a Marketing Team of One

Since I was the only marketing team member for much of my tenure at WEconnect, I had the opportunity to work directly with other teams. I collaborated most with account managers, product designers, sales executives, and later partnered often with a content strategist.

5X More Form Submissions, 3X More Traffic

During my time at WEconnect, the redesigned website saw a 428% increase in form submissions, a 229% increase in website sessions, a 109% increase in average session duration, and a 27% decrease in average bounce rate (all year-over-year comparisons).

Website Redesign

Role: designer, developer, project manager
Project Goal

One Marketing Website for Two Different Audiences

The Two Audiences

Executives at Healthcare Companies

WEconnect was working towards partnering with large healthcare companies and needed a website that spoke to executives.


People Recovering from Substance Use

The WEconnect website would also need to continue to appeal to its members: people in recovery from drug and alcohol misuse.
Aligning Stakeholders

Planning the Content Hierarchy & Aesthetic

I worked closely with key stakeholders to determine the most important functions of the website as well as how to prioritize each audience and built a sitemap based on that. I also lead exercises to clarify the desired aesthetic.
Existing Elements

Looking to the Mobile App for Visual Inspiration

Maintaining Consistency

Since WEconnect had redesigned its mobile app not long before I joined, I made a point to pull elements from the new design system for the website. In this way, I focused on polishing the look and feel rather than rebranding.

I pulled both the curved header and the gold-to-plum gradient from the app’s main screen
I also integrated a shape WEconnectors call the “squircle” throughout the website (and other marketing materials)
Prototype & Build

Combining Steps by leveraging Webflow

To speed things up, I designed the website prototype in Webflow, which is where we were hosting the finished site. I also organized a cross-functional committee to review my work at key points, integrating relevant feedback before launching the site.
Finished Designs

Pages for the Key Audiences

Creating a Dual-Audience Blog

Contact Page

Increasing Form Submissions while Streamlining Processes

Ongoing Improvements

The redesigned website saw a massive increase in form submissions, which we were able to further increase through ongoing revisions. The updated contact page below also automated message forwarding and reduced common customer support inquiries.

The initial contact page was admittedly rather plain
The new contact page better speaks to WEconnect’s different audiences

Sales Enablement & Social Media

Digital Marketing
Beyond the website, WEconnect needed additional materials to speak to its two key audiences: slide decks and one-pagers for B2B sales efforts, as well as social media posts and ads for DTC marketing.
Social Media

Striking the Right Tone with Imagery

Paid Posts

Ads for the App

Physical Mail & Brochures

Why Print Materials?

As part of the substance use recovery industry, WEconnect had to market its offerings within a highly regulated space. Due to the security concerns of digital communication, these regulations favor traditional mail and physical materials for outreach.

In-Clinic Brochures

A Tool for Patients & Treatment Providers

The brochures we provided to treatment clinics helped in both letting eligible patients know about WEconnect as well giving the clinic workers a reference material to explain our offering to people in person.
Standard Letters

The Initial Design

Originally, we created a standard letter to be sent out, though soon realized we’d need to get more creative if we wanted to get people’s attention.
Letter Insert

The Ticket Experience

In an effort to make the mail more memorable and actionable, I designed these “tickets” with instructions and the unique codes each member would need to get started in the app.

Additional Letter Inserts

Greeting Cards

Designing Mail to Feel Like Support from a Loved One

Card Options

Since we’d be sending mail in envelopes in a size designed to stand out, we also wanted the contents to be special too. I recommended we create greeting cards, which could be simultaneously professional and heartfelt. I presented the team with several options.

The Selected Version

Greeting Card Insert

Research-Driven Poster Designs

Why It Mattered
While WEconnect once had staff in-person at clinics to onboard eligible people, it began needing to instead rely more heavily on marketing. I made the point to conduct research in an effort to make those materials as impactful as possible.
Digital Stack Ranking

Single-Variate Testing

For the next round of gathering feedback, I created a test to determine the strongest headline / value proposition. This exercise was completed by people in recovery who were not yet familiar with WEconnect.
Ranked Headlines

Determining the Strongest Selling Point to Leverage

Value Propositions

While the user interviews allowed us to collect a lot of qualitative feedback, this stack ranking exercise made it possible to directly compare value proposition and determine which is the strongest.

Finished Posters

Strengthening Key Marketing Assets

I leveraged what we’d learned to improve the design of in-clinic posters.

The Results

5X More Form Submissions (428% YoY)

In a year-over-year (YoY) comparison, the redesigned website saw a 428% increase in website form submissions.

3X More Website Traffic (229% YoY)

During my time as WEconnect’s primary marketing team member, website sessions more than tripled.

2X Longer Average Session (109% YoY)

The average session duration (time spent on the website) also more than doubled after the redesign.

27% YoY Decrease in Bounce Rate

Additionally, the average bounce rate dropped significantly, meaning more people explore the website after arriving.

First case study

Forma Health